AMBITIOUS HERBS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED [AHIPL] incorporated in 7th DEC 2020 with an initiative towards a social cause which is committed towards HEALTHY INDIA- INDEPENDENT INDIA.
AHIPL is dedicated to provide a healthy and wealthy lifestyle with quality products for every generation. AHIPL is growing so rapidly because of the best quality of products. The main motto of our organization is to heal the health of every single citizen by natural way and taking back to our Mother Nature or Ayurveda, as well as changing the life standards with a great income opportunity system.
AHIPL has been working with every sector including majorly- Health & Wellness Sector, Homecare, Personal care and much more. Organization is dedicated to give a boost in immunity, healthy family and safe kitchen, better lives by reaching to the needs of the common man. We are consistently exploring as well as bringing forth benefits everyone can get from Herbs and natural products.
AMBITIOUS HERBS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED is an ISO 9001:2015 certified & Trademark Registered Organization which not only believes but also works in best class service levels to all our customers and also to everyone associated with us. Also working on ethics and giving respect or equal opportunity with a healthy environment are the main fundamental basics in AHIPL.
Our main motto is to bring back all essential values in our life including health, wealth n happiness and empowering our society with basics of nature & Ayurveda with a financial backbone also.